This is not a Dating Service!

I’ve been wondering whether to write about this or not. In a way it feels indiscreet – on the other hand I don’t intend to publish any names. First there was a guy, who looked for tall girls in Wales. Then some one looked for big women, whatever that meant.  

A little while ago I was proposed through my comments – and the guy has not even seen me, ever. I mean: all I have is the old painting that does not even look like me. I could look horrible. He sent three comments to me, all linked to his web page. I am not sure if it was some short of hoax, yet at least part of his comments seemed honest. I would have loved to publish them, but they would have needed some censor, which I don’t like to do. So I totally left them out. Maybe he just liked about my writing.

I’ll be never desperate enough to accept a stranger I’ve never met. This is not a dating service or a bait I use to lure man. I am just sharing my honest and some times awkward thought about being single women in the thirties and wishing to find some one. I do my dating business elsewhere and I prefer to keep them separate, as this is an outlet of my feelings.

I love comments – please do leave them, whatever they are, but don’t ask me to marry you.

10 Responses

  1. It’s funny, a friend of mine also got this kind of comments on her blog when she was blogging. It makes me wonder: is it possible to fall in love just by reading someone’s writings ?

  2. You know whats interesting is that I hear and read about this a lot. People read others writings and in their minds they see a connection. And they start to develop feelings. I have few of those. But my aboslute favorite one is this 24 year old boy (and i really mean boy). Who reads my blog but only emails me and doesnt comment. But he feels ever so strongly that there is a connection.

    Think of your blog as your way of being a celebretiy. Because technically you are….you have a fan base therefore you are a star.

    All I can say, is be careful…..

  3. Sure I am careful. In fact I felt really uneasy. I don’t know about being celeb, but maybe a bit famouse in the limited circle of people.

    Little advice to any of you, who want to post comments here: I am not going to publish any commercial or recommendation of any (prescribtional) drugs… So don’t include them in your comments if you want them to be published. I consider it doctors job to decide ones medication.

  4. It’s tricky when you put yourself out there as you open yourself to both the positives and negatives. I surpose thats the risk we take when our goal is for a greater good. I have only just put my photo on my site. So far fingers crossed everyone has been very respectful.

  5. I think its what you call “star struck” or maybe “blogger struck.” Someone reads you daily and they start to think of you as a friend. The next thing you know… he’s in love.

    And who could blame him?

  6. Hi! Just found your blog…

    Although I haven’t had this happen to me as a blogger since my blog isn’t that personal (it’s advice, research, reviews, etc. for singles), my MySpace page has certainly attracted some admirers, wanted and unwanted. I post a good deal of prose poetry there, and a lot of my so-called “friends” have become rather infatuated with my writing, which they have a hard time differentiating from me as a person. I’ve met up with a few of them, and I invariably seem to disappoint. I think they’re expecting me to open up my mouth and spout continuous poetry. :O 🙂

  7. It appears he simply fell in love with a fantasy of you he made up in his head. This is one problem with online dating but if people can remember you are a stranger until you meet then it can work.

  8. who could?

  9. not to worry I won’t ask you to marry me.
    I am a 22 yr-old kid

  10. That’s cool Abner. 😉

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