Please don’t ever Propose me at the Valentines!

There is just this one wish I have for man who ever is going to propose me. I don’t mind how he does it (but might have notice that my taste is not for romantic cliches…) but please would you not propose me at Valentines. It is so old and corny. Continue reading

After Valentine’s Day Blogspotting

I red these today morning. Yesterday I spend mostly shopping romantic books from the sale – and not thinking Valentines day that much.

Very Spinsterish Anti-Valentine e-Card

“Destined to die alone
in a room heavy whit
the tang of cat wee.”

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Spinsters Valentine

Somebody searched for Valentines day and Spinster. Due to it and because I am in the very different mood than I was year ago (solemly against this kind of forced celebrating that creates angst among single people) I intend to celebrate my Valentines alone whit rich chocolate and a good book – something sweetly and emotionally romantic. Continue reading

Valentine’s Eve Mingle: Find Your Love in Library

British Library is arranging a singles evening in the Valentine’s Day Eve February 13th (that is tomorrow).  The price of the event is 5 £ and there is a lot of interesting program. Worth to see if you have nothing to do in London. 😉 Read more.

News Flash: Valentine’s Day Banned by Saudis

Country’s religious police forbid selling red roses and valentines day gifts, so that celebrating Valentines would not tempt people to promiscuity. 

It made me wonder, if some married couple would have anniversary now – what would the man do, when he could not by his wife roses, now forbidden. Continue reading

Toughts about: “The Year of Yes”

Hilarious book of Maria Headley tells a story of her dating experience in New York city that resulted of her getting hitched. She said yes to everyone that asked her out, and her experiences in dating made me think of becoming more yes-girl myself.

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